FreeMarker Blog

The official weblog of the FreeMarker project

Friday, February 17, 2006

Google doesn't index us...

Google doesn't index for years, probably because of the domain name hijacking issue earlier, where someone has run a porn linkpark on that domain. So we didn't stopped using since then, because that's at least indexed by google. But the google rank of a page is mostly calculated based on how many external links point to it. Since our official homepage is, most external links will use that domain name, hence those links are all wasted as far as we are talking about google rank. Given that how critical factor google rank is for your visibility, I see this as a serious loss.


At Fri Feb 17, 01:53:00 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried to send an email to google with explanation and ask to fix this issue? I know, we are not BMW ..

At Sat Feb 18, 06:25:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Dániel Dékány said...

Yes, we have tried that for multiple times. But only with the web form that is availalbe on I guess those are ignored... Certainly we should write some kind of real "official" application, like even snail-mail. Somebody feels like delaing with this legal issue just go ahead...

At Sun Feb 19, 01:22:00 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can try with a robots.txt file at the root of, like this:

User-agent: *


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